Killings Bad Timing

I don't want to turn this blog into a police blotter, but the recent killings of three people in downtown Detroit this week could not have come at a worse time. Monday, two employees of Chelio's Chili restaurant were stabbed to death by a disgruntled employee who was later apprehended. Wednesday, a woman was shot and killed near the Second Baptist Church of Detroit, an historical landmark in Greektown. (The "good news" is that the killings were not random; the assailants knew their victims.)

I say they couldn't have come at a worse time because the national and international media is in town for two weeks to cover the International Auto Show at the Cobo Exposition Center and we know how a few of them love to bash Detroit. Once again Detroit will probably get a black eye in the media as being the "murder capital" of the U.S. Unfortunately, FBI statistics will bear this out.
Fortunately, as this Detroit News article on the killings points out, downtown Detroit is one of the safest neighborhoods in all of the America, and I can vouch for that. I have lived in downtown Detroit most of my adult life and except for the occasional car theft or home invasion that happen routinely in the suburbs, living downtown is very safe and enjoyable.

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