I haven't been blogging lately because I have been distracted by the travels of Hurricane Wilma. I became very interested in Wilma's path last weekend when the experts predicted that she would work her way acrosss Cuba, over the Yucatan Pensinsula in the Gulf of Mexico, then hook a hard right toward the gulf coast of Florida and keep going right across the state until she arrived at West Palm Beach.
I confess that my interest in Wilma has been selfish because my wife and I, who live in Detroit, also own two condos in West Palm Beach, and one was supposed to have been sold at a closing on Monday, Oct. 24. Before you think I'm in league with Donald Trump, I assure you that our condos are not million-dollar oceanfront skybox properties, but middle-income units in a modest retirement village.
For days I watched the Weather Channel and stayed glued to the Palm Beach Post online as Wilma crawled across the ocean, making her appointed rounds just like they said. Sure enough, yesterday morning, the old girl slammed into West Palm with a fury that that town hasn't seen in half a century. Within minutes the city was in shambles. Electricity, telephone, and cell phone connections were out of commission -- and jut like that the closing on the sale of our condo was kaput.
Trying to get in touch with anybody in West Palm last night was like trying to locate Osama Bin Laden. All last night and this morning, I worked every communication channel I could -- landline and cellular telephones, the newspaper blog, the condo website, to determine what, if anything, was left of our properties. No luck. Finally, in the middle of the afternoon I got through to our condo president, and then our realtor.
The president said that Wilma blew by our condo without lifting a shingle or cracking a single pane of glass. The place is as dry and safe as a cabin in northern Michigan. Of course, our realtor said that the closing is off until further notice, and he still doesn't know the condition of the sale property. But for now, I'm feeling very lucky. Sadly, millions of people in Cuba, Mexico and South Florida were not as fortunate as we were and our hearts and prayers go out to them. Count your blessings, eh?